
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Development Characteristics 
The department focuses on four major areas: (1) new technologies for natural disaster prevention, (2) environmental conservation, (3) green engineering, and (4) system engineering. The primary goal of the department is to educate students in the principles and methods essential to the practice and advancement of civil and environmental engineering. We also strive to lay the future path for this combined discipline. By continually developing new knowledge and fostering intelligent use of limited resources, our students will become successful practitioners, innovators, and leaders to build a high quality society.

■ Department Direction and Research Focus

Development Direction Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Related Laboratory
New Technologies for
Natural Disaster
Automatic Structural Health
Monitoring and Diagnosis
Seismic Engineering
Vibration Orevention Technology
Noise Prevention and Control
Structural Model Testing Laboratory
Structure Analysis Laboratory
Structural Health Monitoring And
Inspection Laboratory
Pollution Control at
Construction Sites
Pollution Control, Site Remediation
Ecological Engineering
Pollutant Transport and Fate
Environmental Impact Assessment
Soil Protection and Remediation Laboratory
Groundwater Protection
and Remediation Laboratory
Ecological Engineering Laboratory
Aerosol and Air Toxics Laboratory
Novel Green Material Application
Application and Innovation of
Renewable Materials
Waste Management
Pollution Prevention
Engineering Materials Laboratory
Precision Instruments Laboratory
Energy and Material Recovery Laboratory
Computer Aided Engineering
and Management (CMIS) 
Development and Applications
Environmental System Analysis
3S (GIS/GPS/RS) Technology in
Environmental Planning and
Environmental Decision System
Virtual Laboratory
Environmental and Informatics Laboratory

To provide students with a solid foundation in both civil and environmental engineering that enables them to pursue an advanced degree and to enter the professional practice of engineering upon graduation.
To implement government’s overall industrial goals and policies and develop innovative technologies in researching society’s needs.
To educate students with engineering ethics, effective verbal and writing ability, global vision, teamwork, and life-long learning ability.

Postgraduate Opportunities

Advanced Degree Study
Graduates may pursue an advanced degree in civil engineering, construction engineering, applied mechanics, environmental engineering (management), and environmental safety health, etc.
Career Opportunities
Students have a broad array of options available upon graduation. They can work in government, private sectors, engineering consulting, construction, technical agencies, and non-profit research foundations. They can serve as design and plan engineers, environmental analysts, engineering technology researchers, and licensed engineers (structural engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, etc.).

Future Outlook
The department is known as the first one to uniquely integrate the specialized fields of civil and environmental engineering in Taiwan. There are thirteen faculty members with excellent credentials from leading institutions around the world. Integral and interdisciplinary collaborations are highly recommended in the department. As a young and energetic department, it is believed that the department will become one of the leading institutes among the filed of civil and environmental engineering. Our students are expected to become successful practitioners, innovators, and leaders in serving the needs of a complex society in Taiwan.

Courses Offered 
■ Compulsory Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior
► Calculus (1)(2)
► General Chemistry
► General Physics
► Engineering Statistics
► Introduction to Civil andEnvironmental Engineering
► Engineering Mechanics
► Introduction to Computer andProgramming
► Computer Graphics
► Engineering Mathematic (1)(2)
► Fluid Mechanics
► Soil Mechanics
► Environmental Analyses andExperiments (1)(2)
► Civil Engineering Experiment (1)
► Mechanics of Materials
► Engineering Materials
► Civil Engineering Experiment (2)

■ Elective Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
General Physics Labs
Environmental Chemistry
General Chemistry
Campus and University
Computer Application
Engineering Surveying
Introduction to
Environmental Design
Engineering Process
Noise and Vibration
Air Pollution and
Reinforced Concrete Design
Structural Analysis
Water Supply
Engineering and
Environmental Geology
Foundation Engineering
Engineering Mathematic (3)
Solid Waste Treatment and
Construction Management
Environmental Microbiology
Construction Code Analysis
Instrumental Analysis
Subsurface Environment
Pollution Control
Project Study (1)(2)
Structural Steel Design
Analytical Chemistry
Sewerage Engineering
Soil and Groundwater
Nondestructive Testing
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Structure Dynamics
Environmental System Analysis
The Air Pollution Control Designs
Advanced Engineering Geology
Environmental Planning and
Professional Practice in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction Information System
Theory of Plasticity
Indoor Air Quality
Structural Health Monitoring and Testing
Wind Engineering
The Earthquake and Disaster
Prevention Engineering

Minimum number of credits for graduation: 146

