
About Eligibility

About Eligibility 身份資格


Foreign student: Please make sure that you are eligible to apply as an international student. Our qualification abides by the “MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.”



Overseas Chinese student: Please make sure that you are eligible to apply as an overseas Chinese student. Our qualification abides by MOE Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Compatriot Students in Taiwan. For any enquiries about your eligibility, please contact OCAC directly.



Hong Kong and Macau Students: Refers to students 1) who have permanent residency of Hong Kong or Macau; and 2) who have been living overseas for at least six consecutive years in the immediate past; and 3) who, according to Article 4 of Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs, do not have any other foreign passports.



Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students with Foreign Nationality: Refers to overseas Chinese students with foreign nationalities, possessing permanent residency of Hong Kong or Macau and have been living there for at least six consecutive years in the immediate past—without a household registration in Taiwan; before related laws are amended and enacted, the counseling assistance for the aforementioned students is conducted according to the “Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan” when they apply for university admission.




*NOTE: For those who are eligible to apply as both international students and overseas Chinese students, please choose only one identity to apply. Once the application is submitted, no changes of identity will be allowed. Must read the above-mentioned regulations about your eligibility carefully before you apply. Violations of any of the one of them will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant’s admission, or the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as a NUK registered student, or revocation of the applicant’s NUK diplomas.
