
Frequent Q&A

Frequent Q&A

1. Before application, what should I know and how to prepare? (Foreign student)


(外籍生Foreign students) The online application period for spring term admission is usually during late-Oct.~ mid-Nov. Other than that, if you would like to apply for fall term admission, you can choose early action or regulation action of online application, one is during late-Feb. ~ mid-Mar., the other is during late-Apr. ~ mid-May. The prospectus of admission for new coming year is usually released on our website during September. Please confirm your eligibility before you apply. Click the "Apply" button of the web page   to   apply   online during online application period.

(僑生 Overseas Chinese students) 申請本校單招管道入學有二梯次,第一梯次10月、第二梯次4月,申請時程依照每年9月公告的招生簡章為主,單招只招收學士班,須透過本校招生官網線上申請;申請海聯會個人申請或聯合分發管道入學,海聯會每年大約於11-12月受理申請,申請人須依照該會時程及方式提出申請,可申請學士班、研究所。另外,須注意依教育部「大學校院辦理單獨招收僑生作業注意事項」規定,當年度經各校單招管道第一梯次公告「已錄取」之僑生及港澳學生,海外聯招會將不再進行分發​​​​;經海聯會分發之僑生及港澳生,各校單招第二梯次招生亦不予接受申請或錄取

2.How much is the course fee? Is there a payment plan for the program?


For the tuition fees information, please go to https://rinteradmission.nuk.edu.tw/p/412-1063-4993.php?Lang=zh-twTo apply for the installment plan of tuition fees, we offer three installments for paying each semester’s tuition. The “NUK Tuition Fees Installments Application form” can be provided if needed and should be sent to the coordinator of International Student Affairs before the registration day. (The exact deadline of application will be announced on fb group of new admitted students by us.) Please be noted if an applicant fails half of his/her enrolled subjects last semester, it is not allowed to apply for installments for the new semester.

3. What language certificate should I provide for admission application?


Chinese Language Proficiency Certificate TOCFL B1 or the equivalent certificates or the certification of class hours (360H study in Taiwan or 720H abroad) issued by the certified institution is required. Once being admitted, those without holding such a certificate are required to take NUK’s placement test and will be requested to take the Chinese Mandarin courses assigned by NUK in accordance with the test result. The applicant of English-taught program is excluded from this requirement.

Other than that, English language certificate is required to apply for the degree programs as below:

*Western Languages & Literature: IBT-TOEFL of 79/ IELTS of 6

*Applied Economics, Finance, Life Sciences, Chemical & Materials Engineering, Computer Science & Information Engineering, Applied Mathematics(Master): IBT-TOEFL of 61/  IELTS of 5

4.For the recommendation letter, is there any required format from NUK that I have to follow?


We don't have a required format for applicants, but the letter has to be signed in person or with the electronic signature on it by the referee.

5. What should I prepare to apply for admission? (Foreign students)


A.Online Application線上申請 

B.Certificate of Nationality(Passport/residence certificate or birth certificate)護照或身份證 

C.Highest original diploma notarized by Taipei Representative Office Abroad經台灣駐外館驗證的畢業證書 

D.Official Transcripts notarized by Taipei Representative Office Abroad經台灣駐外館驗證的在校歷年成績單 

E.Two recommendation letters2封推薦信 

F.Financial Statement (Total amount: USD$3,000 ) 財力證明(銀行帳戶餘額說明 , 3000美元以上

G.Study Plan & Autobiography 讀書計畫、自傳

H.Language Proficiency Certificate in Chinese and/or English. (Suppoting document. Required Language level depends on the departments or relevant regulations of NUK) 中文與/或英文語言能力證書(有利申請文件,語言能力標準依系所及本校相關規定)
