
Department of Applied Physics


Development Characteristics
Physics is exciting, intellectually challenging, and rewarding. Physics research covers a vast array of subjects, ranging from small nuclear particles to the evolution of nature and earth. It aims to understand our daily interactions with sound, light, magnetism, electricity, heat, etc. All research on the physical nature of these topics have provided humankind with a clearer understanding of space, material structure, and the evolving “chaotic” theory. Hence, physics plays a vital role in our daily lives.
Physics is closely tied to many other fields, such as electrical engineering, computer science, materials science, mechanical engineering, space engineering, civil engineering, chemistry, biotechnology, environmental studies, etc. We offer general physics courses to all undergraduates at the College of Science and College of Engineering. We also offer courses with affiliated departments, notably Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Applied Chemistry and the Institute of Biotechnology. These course offerings include solid state physics, laser theory, statistical physics, physical mathematics, atomic theory, spectrum analysis, polymer physics, biophysics, etc.
Department of Applied Physics at NUK was established in year 2002 and started to offer Master degree programs in year 2007. Our department is closely research-collaborated with correlated departments in National Sun Yat-Sen University, National Cheng Kung University, National Kaohsiung Normal University and I-Shou University in southern Taiwan. Physical research in our department gives priority to three fields: nanotechnology, optoelectronics, and magnetic and semiconductors. Both experimental and theoretical aspects of research are emphasized.

The Department is strongly committed to research in applied physics and the development of frontier technologies. Thus, the multidisciplinary undergraduate program aims to provide undergraduates with both fundamental knowledge and solid experimental experiences. Our faculty’s research is in many emerging fields, including magnetic and semiconductors, optoelectronic materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology. We also initiate close collaborations with industry that have provided students and faculty opportunities to contribute to product research and development.
The physics program at NUK gives students a deep foundation of knowledge and problem-solving ability on which they can build a variety of careers. Students are encouraged to participate in ongoing research projects. With the liberal arts education at NUK, students leave NUK with not only a complete physics foundation but also technical skills and management ability in preparation to be future leaders.

Postgraduate Opportunities
Advanced Degree Study
Pursuing advanced degrees at graduate schools in Taiwan or abroad.
Teaching for high school, technical school, middle school, and elementary school (education credits are needed)
Doing academic research at universities, colleges, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), or Academia Sinica.
Career Opportunities
Reflecting the diversity of careers available to our students, the Department provides career counseling and initiates collaborations with high-tech industries and corporations (for example, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) , Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE, Inc), United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), etc.).

Future Outlook
Based on emerging technologies, such as magnetic semiconductors, opto-electronic semiconductors, nanoscience and nanotechnology, we will incorporate both societal needs and research resources into developing a mid- and long-term research and development plan.

Courses Offered
■ Compulsory Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
General Physics
Physics Laboratory
General Chemistry
Chemistry Laboratory
Introduction to Computer Science
Engineering Mathematics
Learning by Service
Physical Education
Mathematical Methods for Physicist
Fundamental Physics Laboratory
Introduction to Modern Physics
Electron Magnetism
Theoretical Mechanics
Physical Education
Applied Electronics
Laboratory of
Applied Electronics
Quantum Physics
Seminar I-Nanoscience
Seminar I-Electro-Optics
Seminar I - Magnetic

■ Elective Courses

Sophomore Junior Senior
Introduction to Modern Physics
Introduction to Electro-Optics
Thermodynamics and Statistic Physics
Advance in Physical Mathematics
Nano Material Practice
Introduction to Flat Panel Display
Introduction to Solid State Physics
Introduction to Magnetic Physics
Physics of Thin Film
Green Energy
Semiconductor Device Physics and Technology
Minimum credits for graduation: 137 (including 71 credits for department compulsory courses, 34 credits for elective courses, 4 credits for university compulsory courses, and 28 credits for general education).

