Department of East Asian Languages and Literature 


Development Characteristics

Cultivating talents of foreign trade and economics to meet theneeds of gional economical evelopment and integration.

Cultivating talents of international with international views to attendseniorcivil service examinations, such as trade and economic professionals and diplomats.

Encouraging students to enroll in teacher education programme and cultivating professional secondary school language teachers.

Cultivating researchers and moving forward to postgraduate programs.


Targets of Language Education
Cultivating advanced East Asian language professionals equipped with research ability
Equipping students with an international vision, independence and adaptability to the changing global environment
Nurturing talents of humanities and social sciences and enhancing their understanding of professional ethics
Enhancing higher education in the research domains of foreign languages, humanities and social sciences
Cultivating teachers for applied East Asian languages, humanities and social sciences
Development of Professional (Research) Abilities
Application of languages, humanities and social sciences
Communication and expression
Combined application of applied languages, humanities and social sciences, and high technology (like calculators and computers)
Data collection and integration; applied analysis
Advanced communication skills in international occasions and an international vision for multiculturalism
Rational thinking: problem-solving; innovative thinking: self-learning

Postgraduate Opportunities
► Researchers (principally those pursuing higher education) of East Asian languages and social sciences
► Senior civil service examinees
► Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese interpreters/translators/teachers
► Trade, economics, culture, media and business professionals

Future Outlook

To launch a postgraduate programme in East Asian Languages and Literature
Theoretical and empirical research in East Asian languages and social sciences
Comprehensive analysis and information technology research on East Asian languages and social sciences
Research in the application and analysis of language and social sciences

Courses Offered 
■ Compulsory Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

► Japanese Studies Program (A total of 56 credits of Department - Level Compulsory Courses, including 8 credits of Second Foreign Language)

Elementary Japanese (1)(2)
Elementary Japanese
Conversation (1)(2)
Intermediate Japanese (1)(2)
Intermediate Japanese Conversation (1)(2)
Japanese Listening and speaking (1)(2)
Advanced Japanese (1)(2)
Japanese Writing (1)(2)
Graduation Project: Japan (1)(2)
East Asian Language:
Practice (Japanese)
► Korean Studies Program (A total of 56 credits of Department - Level Compulsory Courses, including 8 credits of Second Foreign Language)
Elementary Korean (1)(2)
Elementary Korean
Conversation (1)(2)
Intermediate Korean (1)(2)
Intermediate Korean Conversation (1)(2)
Korean: Listening and Speaking (1)(2)

Advanced Korean (1)(2)
Korean Writing (1)(2)
Graduation Project: Korean
East Asian Language:
Practice (Korean)
► Vietnamese Studies Program (A total of 56 credits of Department - Level Compulsory Courses, including 8 credits of Second Foreign Language)
Elementary Vietnamese
Elementary Vietnamese
Conversation (1)(2)
Intermediate Vietnamese (1)(2)
Intermediate Vietnamese Conversation
Vietnamese: Listening and Speaking (1)(2)
Advanced Vietnamesea (1)(2)
Vietnamese Writing (1)(2)
Graduation Project: Vietnamese
East Asian Language:
Practice (Vietnamese)
Minimum number of credits for bachelor degree: 128

Our students are required to complete two hundred hours of training in domestic corporations or study language in a foreign country during the summer/winter vacation in their third or fourth year. Students have to get a pass or a qualified certificate in their training.

Education Abroad Programme: The Department encourages students to study abroad to enrich their cultural and international perspective. We arrange short-term study in our partner schools in Japan, Korea and Vietnam for students to improve language learning and widen vision.

Certification: To improve their foreign language proficiency, students have to fulfill the following graduation requirements: Japanese Language Proficiency Test – Level 2; TOEFL (PBT 510, CBT 180, IBT 64), or GEPT (High- Intermediate) Stage 1, or GEPT (Intermediate) Stage 2, or TOEIC 590, or IELTS 6, or FLPT 70.