Department of Electrical Engineering M


Development Characteristics
With the rapid industrial expansion, the cultivation of technology talents has become very urgent. Moreover, since Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park (SBIP) Lujhu and Nan-Tzu Export Processing Zone had established, Kaohsiung, the most important industrial and commercial city in the southern part of Taiwan, will become a transportation center in the Asia-pacific region. To support such human resource demands, the Department of Electrical Engineering was established in February 2000 as one of the first founding departments of the College of Engineering at NUK. The educational objective of this department is to provide the students with both theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in electrical engineering. Currently, the department has Undergraduate Program, Master Degree Program and In-service Master Program. A Ph.D. Program will be granted in the year 2011. For each year, the alumni of EE earn brilliant acquirement and have excellent accomplishments in various career domains. The department is making efforts in the lead for the development of high-technology industry and has great contributions in Taiwan. 

■Research Groups
Communication Computer Microelectronics Optoelectronics
Wireless Communication and
Computer Communication
Digital Signal Processing
Multi-Median Systems
Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and
its Applications
Internet and Multimedia
Computer Networks
Embedded Systems
VLSI Integration
Deep Submicron MOS
Device Design
RFIC Design
SI Detector Devices Circuits
IC Package
VLSI Design
VLSI Testing
SOC Integration
Mixed Mode IC Design
Integrated Optics and
Electro-Optics Devices
Optical-Electronic IC Design
Optical Fiber Optics and
Applications of Optical
► To educate the students with the essential knowledge of electrical engineering, science and technology.
► To train the students with the basic ability of performing and designing experimental projects in engineering.
► To prepare the students for subsequent graduate study, post-graduate study and professional practice.

Postgraduate Opportunities
Advanced Degree Study
Graduates may pursue an advanced degree in electrical engineering, information engineering, industrial engineering, materials engineering, energy technology, etc.
Career Opportunities
Our students have the talents in communications, optoelectronics, microelectronics, and computers, which get higher opportunity to obtain employment in Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park (SBIP) Lujhu, Nan-Tzu Export Processing Zone and correlative industries, etc.

Future Outlook
To educate the well-balanced graduates with learning attitude and ability to their professionals.
To aid the development of engineers specialized in high-technology industry and meet the new wave of electronic information age.

Courses Offered
■ Compulsory Courses
► Seminar
Minimum number of credits for Master graduation: 24
Minimum number of credits for In-service Master graduation: 30