Department of Western Languages and Literature


Language Training
Students are placed into small classes to intensify their training and ensure better learning efficiency. The main courses include: English Listening and Speaking Practice, Oral English, English Composition, Introduction to Translation, and Second Foreign Language. Each student is required to take one second foreign language for two years, earning a total of 8 credits in that language for graduation.
Comprehensive Literature and Culture Courses
Basic courses, such as Approaches to Literature and Introduction to Western Literature, prepare our students for more advanced studies in culture and literature. Study of the historical background of each literary period provides a better understanding of the literary tradition during that time period. More advanced studies include courses in literary movements, literary theories, philosophy, and ideological trends. Core courses include History of English Literature and History of American Literature. These courses are supplemented by a series of elective courses, such as English and American Fiction, English and American Poetry, English and American Drama, Shakespeare, etc.
Linguistics Curriculum
This curriculum aims to impart a basic knowledge of linguistics to enable students to continue their study in this field. The main courses include Introduction to Linguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Syntax, Sociolinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Anthropological Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology, and Corpus Linguistics.
Business-Oriented Courses
The curriculum integrates modern high-tech, business management, and foreign language to furnish students with a competitive edge in the job market and postgraduate study admission.
Advanced Degree Study
Graduates may pursue their graduate study in Taiwan or abroad.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities include working for industry, teaching, and research institutes, public service, journalism and other media, and a wide range of other professions.
2+2 Double Degree Program
NUK undergraduate students who complete the first two years in a Bachelor degree at NUK and who meet UQ GPA and English entry requirements will be eligible for admission to a Bachelor of Arts at UQ for the period of two years. Upon successful completion of the two years full-time study in Bachelor of Arts degree in the University of Queensland, NUK students will graduate with the UQ Bachelor of Arts degree.

Courses Offered:
■ Compulsory Courses:
Freshman Sophomore Junior
► Introduction to Western Literature
► Approaches to Literature
► English Oral Training (1)
► English Aural-Oral Lab Training
► English Composition (1)
History of English Literature (1)
English Oral Training (2)
English Composition (2)
Advanced English Listening & Speaking practice
Introduction to Linguistics
► History of English Literature (2)
► History of American Literature
► English Composition

■ Elective Courses:
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
French (1)
Spanish (1)
Japanese (1)
German (1)
Application of
Information & the
German (2)
French (2)
Spanish (2)
Japanese (2)
Children' s Literature
in English
Contemporary English
and American Literature
Introduction to
English and American Fiction
English and American Drama
Shakespeare on Film
Written Translation
Japanese (3)
German (3)
English Drama Practice
English Oral Training (3)
English and American Poetry
French (3)
Spanish (3)
Second Language Acquisition
and Teaeaching
Literary Theories& Criticism
Corpus Linguistics
TOEIC and English for
Professional Communication
Contemporary Cultural
Seminar in Linguistics
Drama Production
Seminars in Major Writers
English Reading &
Disscusion: Current Affairs
EuroAmerican Culture and
An Introduction to 18th
Century English Conduct
Seminar In Cultural
Studies: Space and
Cultural Memory
Advanced Listening
Through 20th Century
Pop (movies and music)
Minimum number of credits for graduation: 132
Students can take elective courses in one of the following second foreign languages: Japanese, German, French and
Spanish. For graduation, students must complete 2-year 8 credits.
Students can skip courses in English oral training and English listening and speaking practices if they pass the English Language Proficiency Test.
Students are required to take one of the following 3 courses: English and American Poetry, English and American Fictions, English and American Drama before graduation.
For graduation, students must complete 22 credits in elective literature, culture, and/or linguistics courses.
All students must complete English language requirement before graduation: the advanced level of GEPT(Listening & Reading Test), TOEFL(ITP) scores of 550 or above, TOEFL(CBT) scores of 213 or above, TOEFL(IBT) scores of 79 or above, IELTS scores of 6 points or above, TOEIC scores of 750 or above, Cambridge First Certificate in English(third level or FCE at Grade B). For those who are unable to pass the English Proficiency Test, they should take the course on “TOEIC and English for Professional Communication.”