Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering


Development Characteristics
Established in 2004, the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering offers education and research programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Our mission is to provide well-educated individuals with professional skills in information technology (IT) related fields to further support the technology industries in Taiwan.

The department is currently oriented towards the development of intelligent systems, network and multimedia, and embedded system, as well as interdisciplinary research and applications that stimulate research. As a growing department, we are committed to building an intelligent computing center, developing intelligent systems using basic elements of computation theory, using computer systems as development platforms, and expanding applications on network and multimedia, and embedded systems.

The department aims to educate students based on the following three aspects so that they may become qualified professionals in the information technology.

Professional trainings in both theory and practice


Solid mathematical and algorithmic skills


Knowledge in computer software and hardware


Ability of system analysis and integration implementation

Independently thinking and reasoning analysis


Ability to perform theory derivation and data induction


Ability to perform problem mining, analysis and solving


Ability to be innovative and to continue learning

Humanities and team cooperation


Having a responsible, socially and culturally aware attitude


Having good communication and collaboration skills


Having foreign language skills and international perspective



Postgraduate Opportunities

Advanced Degree Study


Graduates may pursue a Master degree in electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, information management, communication engineering, etc.

Career Opportunities


Graduates may have many opportunities in jobs, such as software engineer, database administrator, database analyst, system analyst, system administrator, web design and administration, information management, intelligent systems work, IC design, landline and wireless, multimedia, digital contents, 3C system design, etc.

Future Outlook
The Department is well equipped to provide excellent teaching and research facilities for both students and faculty members, and is on the way of becoming a leading institution in Taiwan. Current achievements include:

Establish graduate programs which provide Doctoral degree.

Set up professional laboratories, including intelligent systems laboratory, software and information system laboratory, Internet and computer system laboratory, multimedia and digital contents laboratory, and computer vision and graphics laboratory.

Initiate interdisciplinary programs with different departments within the University to meet industry requirements, providing programs include bioinformatics, software engineering, digital contents, and computer systems.

Courses Offered
The undergraduate program is designed to equip students with the basics of information technology and prepare them for graduate schools or the workplace. In general, we offer basic courses for freshmen and sophomore, and many elective courses for juniors and seniors. The departmental elective courses are divided into different tracks: core or non-core. For core electives, students must choose one track and take at least three courses in it, and at least two core courses in other tracks. Moreover, students must take at least four non-core elective courses not included in any track. Finally, students must complete a project before graduation.

■ Compulsory Courses










Introduction to Computer Science
C Programming
Calculus (1)(2)
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Intro to Digital Systems
Object-Oriented Programming


Data Structure
Digital Circuits
Computer Networks
Engineering Mathematics
Assembly Language and System Programming
Digital Circuits Lab
Digital Systems Lab


Database Systems
Software Engineering
Operating Systems
Computer Organization
Computer Algorithms
Programming Languages
Special Topics (1)


Special Topics (2)
Seminar (1)(2)