Department of Life Sciences


Development Characteristics
The goals of establishing the Department of Life Sciences are multidimensional:

The department embodies the government policy in developing biotechnology industries in southern Taiwan through collaborations and alliances.
The department nurtures today’s students to make them into tomorrow’s leaders, with advanced life science expertise in the 21st century.
The department prepares students with diversified postgraduate options. They can pursue advanced studies, build a career in life sciences, or become an entrepreneur for the advancement of life sciences.

The characteristics of the department are as follows:

Collaboration with Industries in Southern Taiwan
The department develops courses while collaborating with various biotech industries in Southern Taiwan, such as the new Kaohsiung Biotech Industrial Park, the Southern Taiwan science parks, and many others.
Complete and Flexible Course Modules
The integrated undergraduate and graduate studies at our Department aim to develop research in three major areas: molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology, and bioenvironmental sciences. We offer a wide array of courses to students in a systematic way.
Integration of Curricula, Space, and Resources
We have a vibrant teaching and research program, with full-time faculty and joint appointments in the Institute of Biotechnology. In addition, the research facilities and space allocation have been coordinated with the Institute of Biotechnology, to achieve the highest level of training for students.

Our teaching focuses on integrating fundamental and applied life sciences, to nurture today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders in the field of life sciences. Consequently, the four-year course provides students with flexibility and a wide selection of specialized courses. A few of the courses we offer are fundamental life sciences, mathematics, chemistry, and physics, as well as specialized biotechnology training, to prepare students for their future careers in the emerging industry. We also encourage students to participate in faculty laboratories during the winter and summer breaks, to gain research knowledge and experience.

Postgraduate Opportunities

Advanced Degree Study
A broad range of advanced degree study options are available to our graduate students. They can pursue an advanced degree at our Institute of Biotechnology, or in the other institutes being developed at NUK (i.e., the Institute of Bioenvironmental Science, the Institute of Chinese Herbal Medicine Technology, and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology). They are also free to pursue advanced degrees at other universities in Taiwan or abroad.
Career Opportunities
Our graduates can conduct research in government agencies or institutions. They can also find employment in biotechnology corporations and other industries, including healthcare, medicine, agriculture, marine biology, food, or environmental protection.

Future Outlook
The Kaohsiung Biotechnology Research Center will be established at NUK, under a strategic collaborative agreement with the Kaohsiung Biotechnology Park. The completion of this project will greatly boost career opportunities for our graduates. The department is initiating more interdisciplinary programs with affiliated departments, to improve course and teaching quality. Notable departments include the Departments of Kinesiology, Health and Leisure Studies, Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science. Additionally, in response to the development of various biotech centers, the department will work closely with a number of biotech providers, such as Tainan and Kaohsiung Science Parks, the agricultural center of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, environmental technology divisions of the Chinese Petroleum Corporation, and other universities.

Courses Offered
■ Compulsory Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
► Introduction of Life Science
► General Biology (1)(2)
► General Biology Laboratory (1)(2)
► General Chemistry (1)(2)
► General Chemistry Laboratory (1)(2)
► General Physics (1)(2)
► Calculus (1)(2)

► Genetics
► Genetics Laboratory
► Microbiology
► Microbiology Laboratory
► Organic Chemistry
► Organic Chemistry Laboratory
► Analytic Chemistry
► Cell Biology
► Plant Physiology*

► Biochemistry (1)(2)
► Biochemistry Laboratory (1)(2)
► Molecular Biology
► Animal Physiology*

► Seminar (1)(2)

* choose one from Plant Physiology and Animal Physiology

■ Elective Courses

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Introduction of
Animal Histology
Animal Histology Laboratory
Comparative Anatomy
Scientific English
Introduction of Biochemistry
Applied Microbiology and
Invertebrate Zoology and 
Plant Taxonomy and
Botany Physiology Laboratory
Introduction of Bio-industry
Vertebrate Zoology
Introduction to Clinical
► Animal Physiology Laboratory
► Introduction to Virology
► Plant Tissue Culture and Laboratory
► Embryology
► Animal Tissue Culture and Laboratory
► Endocrinology
► Comparative Endocrinology
► Natural Herbal Medicine
► Immunology
► Photosynthesis and Laboratory
► Medicinal Botany
► Introduction of Molecular Biology
► Bachelor Thesis
► Special Research
► Biostatistics
► Bioinformatics
► Cell Cycle
► Plant Molecular Biotechnology
► Comparative Reproductive Physiology
► Patent Law
► Evolutionary Ecology
► Introduction to Chinese Traditional Medicine

■ Remarks: Minimum number of credits for graduation: 128